Text from Anna - Sandy's Mondays

  The Whisperer of the Abyss:

Sandy’s Never-Ending Monday Rants - Journal Entry 40

It is a real-life-inspired fiction story where all names were changed, just in case. 

Text from Anna

Anna's Wedding Plan

Another week of Novulus Cevertuli.  

I'm bored to tears because there is nothing to do. 

I got a text from Anna talking about her postponed wedding; she was on the phone trying to move the venue after the pandemic passed. Wait, that was a group text! Oh oh. I was texting her back as though it was just me texting her back. I texted that Gallium would be at her wedding back then and that maybe she would make it to the other date. Gallium entered the texting group circle. :(

I have a feeling that I have said something wrong. It’s like when you eat a doughnut, and people judge you. I feel like something went wrong every time there was a group text; it's because people's thoughts give a push to all the winds, and The Earth started spinning a little faster than usual - it's my theory. Yup. In the news, scientists mentioned that The Earth rotates faster than 24 hours, but we still go with 24 hours. Everyone must slow down, take a break and enjoy the scenery to slow down the spin to normalize the homeostasis. It does not mean businesses should stop and for flu or virus to be present. It means that everyone should continue with their lives and businesses, and no viruses - that is how it should be. 

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